Date of Birth: 27 November 2001
Height: 26 ins
Weight: 35 kgs
Hip Score: 0/0
Elbow Score: 0/0
Full dentition, scissor bite
Cracker is one of the very few RRs who has won multiple BEST IN SHOW at both all breeds and specialty shows during his career. He is pictured above taking out BEST IN SHOW at the 2006 RR Specialty held at Newcastle under breed specialist judge, Ms Dawn Redman.
Cracker is owned by Darrel and Shaneen Mills, Zimbalooba RRs, and handled by Darrel. He is beautifully constructed, with a lovely head, dark eyes, strong topline, moves with ease, is very true out and back and has an outstanding ridge. Darrel and Shaneen live on 7 acres in country Victoria so showing is limited. However, Cracker has the following career behind him already:
Career Highlights
Reserve Challenge Dog RR National 2004 (over 220 entries)
Best in Show All Breeds Champion Show August 2003
Runner Up Best in Show All Breeds Champ Show 2003
Best Head Dog - Victorian RR Specialty 2003
1st Place Junior Dog Class Newcastle RR Specialty 2003
1st 6-12 sweepstakes at 11 months of age
1st place Puppy Dog Class Sydney RR Specialty 2002
1st place Baby Puppy Sweepstakes (35 entries)
Cracker has been carefully bred to selected bitches and the first of his progeny to hit the ring is Zimbalooba Boom Man (Dudley) owned and handled by Darrel. Dudley is a multiple Best in Show winner. He has now retired from the show ring and will only be shown at specialty shows.