Date of Birth: 26 August 1999
Height: 28ins
Weight: 48kg
Hips: 4/3 = 7
Elbows: 0/0
Full dentition, scissor bite
Jonty the gentle giant - check out his gallery page. Jonty lives with his family, Brett and Vicki Matthews and their children in Willoughby, Sydney. Brett and Vicki bought Jonty purely as a family pet but they have been kind enough to bring him to specialty shows occasionally so we are able to show him.
"Jonty was fascinated when Brett and Vicki had their first child and he would lie on the bed with her. He would also get very upset if she cried and he became very protective of the new member of their family."
Jonty has had one litter to date to Aust Ch Chilolo Go For Gold. This litter produced two outstanding puppies:
Aust Ch Chilolo CJ Someday Sam who now lives with Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox (Sonstraal Kennels) in Scotland. Sam was awarded a Best in Show All Breeds prior to his departure to the UK.
Aust Ch Chilolo CJ Chicken Ripple. Ripple was awarded Challenge Bitch and Runner Up Best in Show at the 2004 RR National under breeder/judge Ms Dorothy Grayson-Wood from the UK. More about Ripple on her page.